
The tools for weaving

Archaeological Museum

Room: Reperti archeologici


Showcase 7 displays some tools useful in Etruscan times for weaving. The large number of such objects indicates that considerable textile production was active at Poggio Colla, probably also related to religious rituals, given the presence of a temple. Based on the number of loom weights, which were used to keep the warp taut during weaving, we assume there were at least two looms in operation. But the tools we have in greater quantity are the spindles. These conical objects with a central hole are thought to have been attached to the lower end of the spindle during spinning. Truncated cone-shaped ones are common at the site, although they vary in size, weight and type of decoration. This type of spindle is the most common in Italy and was probably used to obtain threads of medium thickness. The spools bear a wide variety of decorations imprinted on the ends. We can note, for example, one decorated with a winged lion.

Photo Credits: Su concessione della Soprintendenza Archeologia, Belle Arti e Paesaggio per la Città Metropolitana di Firenze e per le Province di Pistoia e Prato

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