
Imprinted stamped tile

Archaeological Museum

Type: Reperto archeologico
Room: Reperti archeologici


In the right corner of this showcase this beautiful tile does not go unnoticed: find number 69. It was found in Piandrati, in the municipality of Dicomano, and dates back to the second to fourth centuries AD. It has a length of about 61 centimeters and a width of about 50 centimeters. It is composed of a poorly purified and compact dough, pinkish orange in color. Today the tile is the result of the recomposition of two fragments and the integration given by restorations. The brick is rectangular in shape with raised laths on each of the long sides, on the short side, on the outer surface, in the center, two semicircular and concentric depressions. Outside these, in a kind of cartouche, arranged horizontally is the stamp "OTACILIU FIRMI."

Photo Credits: Su concessione della Soprintendenza Archeologia, Belle Arti e Paesaggio per la Città Metropolitana di Firenze e per le Province di Pistoia e Prato

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