
Stele of Londa

Archaeological Museum

Type: Stele
Room: Reperti archeologici


Etruscan stele found in the vicinity of Londa in 1871, specifically in a cottage known as "Il Trebbio," dating from 530-500 BC. This is the only one of the stelae preserved in this museum that has decoration on both front and back. On the front is a bas-relief depicting a female character. The woman is depicted seated on a stool with her left hand at rest rest resting on her leg and her right hand raised intent on clutching a twig with three pomegranates. These fruits represented wealth and fertility. She has a veil that falls over her shoulders; an ankle-length robe; around her neck is a double necklace with large vagas and on her feet are raised-toe shoes. Who was this woman? With certainty we do not know, but she was certainly a person of high class. Proof of this is the stool on which she is seated: it was not an object of mere furniture, but invested the owner with an authority relating to the social sphere to which she belonged.

Photo Credits: Su concessione della Soprintendenza Archeologia, Belle Arti e Paesaggio per la Città Metropolitana di Firenze e per le Province di Pistoia e Prato

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