
New entries from St. Martin's to Poggio.

Archaeological Museum

Type: Reperti archeologici
Room: Reperti archeologici


The new epigraphic evidence, found in the latest excavation campaigns carried out at Frascole between 2010 and 2013, can be traced, like those found earlier, to the sphere of ownership. Here, too, the epigraphic support consists of open vase forms in black glazed pottery, dating back to the 3rd century BCE. Other names stand out, however, besides those of the Velasna, the powerful family that dominated Frascole the Mugello district. One reads then the names of gentile families such as the Petruni and the Vipina, but also a proper name of person such as Kaere. Perhaps these were families and individuals pertaining to the kin or friend sphere of the Velasna.

Photo Credits: Su concessione della Soprintendenza Archeologia, Belle Arti e Paesaggio per la Città Metropolitana di Firenze e per le Province di Pistoia e Prato

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