
The griddle holder

Archaeological Museum

Type: Reperto archeologico
Room: Reperti archeologici


Among the artifacts unearthed at the Upper Mugello site at Massapaia in Vaglia is an iron regiment, exhibit number 8, dating from the third century AD. A slightly curved element, it consists of two side rings joined by means of a central plate from which depart, on the concave side, three pyramid-shaped points, arranged in two rows to occupy the entire surface of the plate. The apex of the major spike is straight, the only preserved one of the minor ones is bent; the state of preservation of the object makes it impossible to determine whether the bending is intentional or due to impact. The object was used since Etruscan times.

Photo Credits: Su concessione della Soprintendenza Archeologia, Belle Arti e Paesaggio per la Città Metropolitana di Firenze e per le Province di Pistoia e Prato

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