
Fragments of painted ceramics

Archaeological Museum

Type: Reperti archeologici
Room: Reperti archeologici


The fragments of painted pottery, which you can see on the left side of the showcase, belonged to objects called "Kylix" and were found again in San Martino a Poggio a Frascole. The pottery is painted and decorated: we notice some orange color, matte black paint, elongated petals, geometric shapes. Unfortunately, however, evidence is rare in the Dicomanese archaeological area of this Etruscan ceramic class, produced from the end of the 5th century B.C., in imitation of the much better-known Greek-made class. More substantial traces, surely, could be had by further research. There are also fragments of a Volterran "kelebe." Also from San Martino a Poggio a Frascole, they come to us directly from the third century B.C. The impasto that makes up the pieces is talcous and beige in color, but the decorations with opaque black paint and paonazzo red are very noticeable. The three sherds appear to belong to the same vessel, but only two are contiguous.

Photo Credits: Su concessione della Soprintendenza Archeologia, Belle Arti e Paesaggio per la Città Metropolitana di Firenze e per le Province di Pistoia e Prato

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