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Two centuries of fashion and textile design

Author: Museo del Tessuto
Room: abiti e accessori


Men's clothing, in the first half of the century, primarily enhances the prestige of the torso, thanks to vests that band the torso. Decorative motifs enliven the austerity of the suits. The emphasis on the torso is accentuated by the use of tight pants that cling to the legs. An example of this taste is the worked velvet vest displayed on the left side. The artifact features a double row of buttons and is cut at the waist. The austere and simple style of men's fashion reflects the practicality needs of the emerging middle class . The fashion figure on the display base to the left shows an example of this style. Then we continue to the third display case. Here where we are in the period of the Great World's Fair of 1851, the first international event celebrating the mechanization of the textile industry.

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