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Two centuries of fashion and textile design

Author: Museo del Tessuto
Room: abiti e accessori


<speak>Watching the day dress, shown at left, we can see how the 1930s, in fashion, show a return to emphasized feminine forms. Fabrics glide over the body and sartorial cuts become complex and make abundant use of bias cutting. The sandals, shown at left ,interpret the fantasy and high quality of Italian craftsmanship in the period before World War II. They are from the well-known Florentine shoemaker, Frattegiani, a competitor of the even more famous Salvatore Ferragamo. The winds of war in the 1940s brought a climate of austerity that favored the reuse of fabric and the saving of fabric destined for garments. This climate is well interpreted by designer Elsa Schiaparelli, who in the sumptuous <sub alias="Cap">Cape</sub>, right, proposes the color black and a pattern that shows inspiration from the military wardrobe.</speak>

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